Carving and Sculpting

Carving and Sculpting

Joining a Wood Carving Club

One of the best ways to learn how to do anything is the immersion technique where a person surrounds themselves with what they want to...


Carving and Sculpting

Planning a Sculpture

Sculpting is a process for many artists. They begin with a basic vision of what they want to create. Over time, they modify their vision...


Carving and Sculpting

Sculpting Tools

There are many different substances that can be carved, and one thing most of them have in common is the type of tools used. Whether...


Carving and Sculpting

Progressing to Harder Substances

People that carve in wood often begin with sweet potatoes as their carving medium. These are much less expensive for the aspiring artist to purchase....


Carving and Sculpting

Creating Ice Sculptures

Beautifully clear, perfectly shaped pieces of ice have become widely available for important social functions, but few people know the work that goes into creating...


Carving and Sculpting

Powered Carving Tools

Carving takes a great deal of time, and power tools are one way artists have found to complete their project quicker. Sometimes these tools are...


Carving and Sculpting

Choosing the Material

Many sculptures are commissioned, and the artist has few choices of materials. The buyer usually has a material in mind for the sculpture they want...